Frequently asked questions

Learn more about workers’ compensation rehabilitation services

See answers to some of our frequently asked questions.

What is a qualified rehabilitation consultant (QRC)?

QRC stands for qualified rehabilitation consultant. A QRC is a trained, experienced professional who must be registered by the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry and shall possess at least one of the following credentials:

  • Certification by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor; or
  • Certification by the Certification of Disability Management Specialists Commission as a Certified Disability Management Specialist.

To use the QRC designation one must apply to the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry for approval and registration.

Qualified rehabilitation consultant are required to be professionally objective in conduct and in recommendations. The role and function of a qualified rehabilitation consultant is separate from a claims representative.

What does a QRC do?

  • We are here to assist you with your vocational rehabilitation and return to work.
  • We understand how injury can impact employment.
  • We have expertise in job accommodation to help you retain employment in your post-injury occupation.
  • We have expertise in vocational evaluation and will guide your vocational exploration to identify alternative career paths and the steps necessary to accomplish the transition.

How do I get a QRC?

You can request a rehabilitation consultation anytime after a work injury. However, there are specific rules that guide this process. Generally speaking, a rehabilitation consultation is required as soon as it is known that your work injury will prevent you from returning to work within 90 days of your injury date.

An injured employee has the right to choose their own qualified rehabilitation consultant. The list of Minnesota qualified rehabilitation consultants can be found on the Minnesota Department of Labor website.

Request a CompRehab consultation

Is there a cost for vocational rehabilitation?

The cost of vocational rehabilitation services are paid for by your date-of-injury employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company.

Answers to additional frequently asked questions can be found on the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry website.

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